
"Brain Torque" - A New Sween-ism

[Brain] Torque

torque   | tork |


1  a twisting force that tends to cause rotation [movement]


to apply torque or a twisting force to [an object, challenge or situation in life]


Practcical  Everyday Usage Of The Term "Brain Torque"

Sween's Commentary

Note: Haha!  I just made it up, (or "Coined The Phrase") so it can really mean whatever the hell I want it to mean - but, just to show you that despite multiple strokes, I'm still somewhat of scholarly bent, I conferred with my personal DNP, so as to not take unnecessary literary/intellectual license to make my point here - [and who cares that this is probably one of the longest run-on sentences ever written LOL].

...So there are often times in our lives that it becomes quite necessary to use "Brain Torque" to take preventative measures to avoid a screw up, OR (present company referred to - yours truly) get ourselves out of a situation, either "smell'n like a rose"  or contrastly "smell'n like jack-shit"  LOL!!

...but whatever the case, you [we/all of us] have [ultimately/eventually/ frick'n FINALLY] paid our tuition in Life's School of Hard Knocks.   

...And oh, I was remiss - did I fail to mention that I, your Ever-Lov'n Sween IS the tenured Dean of this Distinguished  Institution of Higher Learning? 

...so at any rate - please take every opportunity available to correctly use (in the correct context please) the English Language's most newly coined phrase  "Brain Torque."


Steven Sweeney, M.Ed., CCBT, CBGT
Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist
Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapist
Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Life Coach
Certified Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Facilitator 
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