
Steve's Thailand Story

In January of 2018, after a very nasty divorce in 2015, I sold all of my possessions and moved to Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, with nothing but the intellectual property of my companies, my mobile devices, my desktop computer, a power converter for the 240-volt electrical system in Thailand, and the online educational courses I'd developed since 2007.

I knew I could run my online business from anywhere, and afford the location freedom I simply HAD to have as an option for me with ADD, but whether or not I could run my businesses in SC, from Thailand might be a stretch.

However, just as I had theorized, it worked, and I was actually able to increase my revenue both years I was in Thailand, until.....

I suffered a stroke in April of 2019, while I was still in Thailand, still angry, bitter, resentful and literally filled to the rim with hatred, since October of 2003. All of those toxic soul wounds had metastasized, and broken my body physically, mentally, and most importantly spiritually - but all because of my pride, arrogance and basically my affinity for being as ass hole, (which I'd always gotten a kick out of - go figure).

...But God, through His Abundant Grace, MERCY and Brilliance has arrived on the scene to rescue me (yet again), and deliver the most amazing opportunity for me to give back to His people. And not only Give Back collectively but give back to the segment I'm most passionate about and connected to, Entrepreneurs.

So with the understanding that I'll be 59 years old in January 2020, I think most can agree that I have more yesterdays than tomorrows remaining here, and my plan is to make the greatest impact on my chosen demographic as possible in these my latter years.

This will be accomplished by targeting the under-served Small Business Entrepreneur. I'd like to create "Vision Incubators" in communities and start by working with Houses of Worship, but my desire is to have zero denominational affiliation.

We will create Affinity Partnerships so that each house of worship can have a no-cost, self-sustaining revenue stream for helping their member entrepreneurs Start, Grow or Expand their small businesses.

I have a diverse curriculum that will address many aspects of being successful in business from various pertinent perspectives, and I'm in the process of "hand-selecting" a very talented, multi-disciplinary advisory board, all brilliant in their own regard, possessing the experience and wisdom to assist me in navigating this enormous task.

For the record, and quite frankly, I've never been more excited about any venture (and I've had many) in my life/career. I anticipate that this will, (by far) be the most rewarding, experiential and impactful journey I've ever embarked upon.

Now, having said all of that, watch this snippet of my Thailand story and you'll see why I'm so passionate about my mission.



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